24/10/94 Morning Murli Om Shanti Avyakt BapDada Madhuban 23/09/73
Do you perform every action whilst considering yourselves to be the elevated souls of the highestonhigh Father, who are constantly stabilised in the most elevated stage? For the Father, it is remembered: "Your name is elevated, Your task is elevated and Your abode is elevated". According to this, do you also consider yourselves to be the special souls who, like the Father, have an elevated name and perform an elevated task? Do you pay attention to not creating even one wasteful or ordinary thought? This is known as an elevated stage. Do you experience yourselves to be those who have such an elevated stage? Whilst you have wasteful thoughts, speak wasteful words or perform wasteful actions, you cannot become the best; there can only be either the best (elevated) or waste. Just as when it is the day, the night cannot exist and when it is the night, the day cannot exist, in the same way, where there is waste,y ou cannot become the best. So, in order to become the best, you have to finish the waste. When the wastage is finished, you will experience that no matter what task the soul is performing, no matter what atmosphere or circumstances the soul is living in are like, even in the midst of an upheaval, it will remain in rest.
Scientists nowadays, on the basis of their knowledge of science, are able to give others the experience of rest bygiving them an injection at the time they experience sorrow, are they not? In the same way, no matter how muchuproar or how impure the atmosphere is, with the power of silence, because of having finished the wastage andhaving stabilised yourself in the stage of the best, you will constantly experience rest, that is, you will constantlyexperience yourself to be resting on the bed of peace and happiness. There is a picture of the memorial of this: wherethere is the upheaval of ocean waves, and whilst being in the ocean, even whilst resting on a bed of snakes, that is,even whilst the atmosphere and the circumstances are of sorrow a snake bites and gives sorrow there is still theexperience of rest. This means that even when there are such situations and such an atmosphere which bite or shakeyou, and though the poison would make you unconscious, you must make such an atmosphere the bed of peace andhappiness, that is, make that place a place of rest, that is, let the soul constantly maintain its stage of rest. So, do youhave the practical experience in your life of the image of the memorial? To remain cool in an atmosphere of coolnessis not a big thing, or to remain comfortable when you have the facilities for comfort is also ordinary; but to staycomfortable in a situation of restlessness is known as being multimillion times fortunate. So, whilst staying amidstthe ocean of poison, to make the five vices a bed for your rest, peace and happiness, that is, to become the conquerorsof the vices from now and for all time and remain engaged in the churning of knowledge and in celebrating a meetingwith the Father: those who are stabilised in such a stage, that is, those who are constantly absorbed in the meetingwith the Father are constantly free from obstacles. If you are not absorbed in deep love, then there are definitelyobstacles. Are the obstacles now being defeated when attacking you or are you still defeated by the obstacles? Is itpossible that, even now, you are still being defeated? This is impossible, is it not? At this time, are you those whodefeat others or the ones who are defeated? You yourselves have become free from obstacles, so what is the duty ofthose who are going to be free of them? Some are still becoming this whereas others have already become this.Those who are to become this are busy with themselves, because as long as they themselves have not become this,they can only carry out this task of making others this, according to their capacity. However, what is the duty of thosewho have already become this? Their duty is to make others this. So, you are making others this, are you not? Areyou practising "Charity begins at home", that is, have you made your companions this? Who are your companions?The companions of the Brahmin family. After making your companions the same as yourself, you have to make themthe same as the Father. However, it is enough if you carry out the first stage of making them the same as you.
What is the duty of those who have become this? What should their form at the present time be? (Someone replied:Destroyer of obstacles.) Achcha, how will you become a destroyer of obstacles? With which form will you destroyso that you are able to serve the world easily? Which is that form? That of being a double light and mighthouse.Why did Baba say "double"? Because you have to perform two tasks. To some you have to show the path to mutkiand to others you have to show the path to jeevanmukti. You do not have to show just one path, but two paths, andyou have to make each soul reach his destination. Therefore, those who have become this should have the form ofdouble light and might so that whilst being in one place, on the basis of the light and might of the self, you are able toshow wandering souls their destination. So, are you busy in this task? Now, there should be a balance between bothlight and might. Simply having light will not do and simply having might will not do. When there is the accuratebalance of the two, then what blessing will all the children of the blind, with their light and might, give and whatblessing will they receive? (In the scriptures, it has been remembered that the Kaurav community, the children of theblind, were blind). Give them the blessing of divine insight, the third eye.
In fact, the donation of sight is said to be the most elevated donation. If someone doesn't have sight, the worlddoesn't exist for him. Call it the greatest donation of life (jeeya daan), a blessing (vardaan) or the greatest donation(mahadan), it is this. So give the blind divine insight or the donation of the third eye through which they are able tosee their destination of mukti and jeevanmukti. If they can't see it, how can they reach there? Therefore, become adouble light and might house; keep a good balance between the two and give every soul the blessing of the third eye.This is the duty of the elevated souls. If you have light and might just for yourself, then how can you give the greatdonation and blessings to your companions and the souls of the world? If a bulb does not spread its light, but onlylights up the little area around itself, you would say that the bulb is of no use, would you not? So check yourself:Have I become one who is only able to spread my light and might around myself, or am I one who can give light andmight to the whole world? To the extent that you are able to spread your light now, so you will claim a right to akingdom accordingly small or large in the future. If you become instrumental only to give a few souls light andmight, then there also, you will only claim a right to rule over a few souls. If you are a world server here, then youbecome a ruler of the world kingdom.
There are those who make others claim the right to a kingdom, and they are called teachers; they would become thosewho teach the royal activities, but they would not become those who rule. Will you become those who teach how torule or those who actually rule? In satyug also, there would be teaching, even if just in namesake, would there not?A teacher who teaches the royal activities is said to be in the kingdom, but not one who has a right to the kingdom.You can either be one who is in the kingdom or one who has a right to the kingdom. However, only those who arenot subservient now to their nature, sanskars or thoughts will claim a right. Is someone who is, even now, subservientto his thoughts one who has claimed the right? He is even subservient to his thoughts, is he not? Therefore, you mustnow not be subservient to your thoughts, your nature or your sanskars. Those who have now claimed a right over allthese will become the ones who have a right to the kingdom. So now, calculate for yourself how much you remainsubservient to them and how much you have claimed a right over them. Then, from this result, you can have a visionof your own future, that is, you will then be able to recognise yourself in the mirror and see what your features will bein the future for twentyone births. You can see your features for twentyone births if you have made your mirror ofthe power of selfrecognition so powerful. In a physical mirror, you are only able to see your present. No matter howpowerful a mirror is, even though you are also able to see something very far away, that also only belongs to thisworld, does it not? Through that, you are not able to see your future.
However, you have received such a powerful mirror of the power of recognition that not only are you able to see yourfuture one birth, but in fact, your future twentyone births. Then, on the basis of your twentyone births and on thebasis of your future status, you would also be able to see your role as a worshipper. So, do you continually look at thepowerful mirror you have received from BapDada? Are you able to see yourself clearly, or do you also needsomeone else to look at the mirror? Does someone who is trikaldarshi need anyone else? Someone who istrikaldarshi is able to know the future of others. So, can you not know your own future?
Have you become trikaldarshi or those who are only able to see one aspect of time? Only to be able to see one aspectof time means to be able to see the present. At least become trikaldarshi and give everyone the message. When youonly see one aspect of time and give a message, then the result is also of only one third. Give the message whilstbeing trikaldarshi, and then the result will be triple, that is, it will be 75%. At present, it is only 25%. So what willyou do now? Will all of you hoist the flag of victory for the Pandav Army? What will you do then? You will hoistboth of them, will you not? It is easy to hoist this flag, even if you hoist a hundred instead of just one. Each of youcan hoist as many flags in your area as you want. But what is the meaning of this hoisting? You have to hoist theflag of victory. With what aim are you using your body, mind and wealth? Is it just with the aim of hoisting a flagwith Shiva's image on it? Now, keep the aim that all of you together will hoist the flag of victory in your kingdomand you will attain victory over everything. Look! What is the mouth of the world? The newspapers, leaflets andmagazines. You are now speaking through the mouth of the world, are you not? If it becomes quiet and you are notable to kill it, at least make it unconscious. Anyone who is unconscious will not speak, will he? Now, the result hasto be announced. Who becomes the ashes? How many become this? Now, we will see who is the one who emergesout of multimillions or out of the hundreds of thousands. But how will this happen? For this, you have to renouncetwo things and imbibe one thing. What two things do you have to renounce? (Someone said: We have to renouncefollowing dictates from two directions and follow the directions of the One.) But why are there the two dictates?What is the reason for there being dictates of two when you have been following the directions of the One? What twoaspects do you have to renounce and which one aspect do you have to imbibe? Firstly, you have to renounceacceptance of praise and secondly, the external situations. Some of you fluctuate because of the external situationsand secondly, because of praise, you are not able to create that stage of yours. Therefore, you have to imbibe thestage of the original self. You have to renounce praise and the external situations. You have to renounce them evenfrom your thoughts. Because of the external situations, you are not able to create your own stage. Therefore, do notever expect praise. If you think about having your own praise here, then the praise that you would receive for half akalpa would be reduced by 100%, because the temporary praise received now cuts out the permanent stage achieved.Therefore, you must now not use the words "external situations", nor must you have any thoughts of receiving praise.
The more humble you remain, the more successfully you will be able to carry out the task of renewal. If there isn'thumility, you would not be able to carry out the renewal. In order to carry out the renewal, you first need to behumble. Therefore, no matter what the task is or what the circumstances in front of you are, constantly remember oneslogan. There is the saying on the path of ignorance, "you first", which means that to make others move forward firstis to make the self move forward. For the self to bow down and teach the self, to make the self bow down, is to makethe world bow down in front of oneself. Therefore, let there always be this attitude, vision and words for one another:You first. Do not ever forget this slogan. Never through His thoughts, words or actions has BapDada ever taughtyou: "I first". He always kept the children ahead. He always placed this attitude and vision first.
If every soul who follows the father follows the father in this way, then they can become the rosary of 100% successaround the neck of the Father. If, instead of, "you first", you have the thought, "I first", even if one soul has thisthought or even speaks or acts that it should be "I first", then understand that one bead from the rosary of success isbroken. Even if one bead of a rosary breaks, it affects the whole rosary. Therefore, you have to make it firm foryourself in this aspect that together with the self, you also have to constantly try to make the gathering very successfulin this lesson, so that not even one bead from the rosary of victory can become separated. When you make such effortand carry out this task, then you will be able to hoist the flag of victory over your kingdom.
Before a part is played it is always first rehearsed. Then they put on their costume and makeup etc., for only then istheir part successful. So, when you come onto the stage everready and decorated with all your makeup, then therewill be the sound of applause, and "once more" will emerge from everyone's lips. You have not made yourself busyjust in making the physical preparations, have you? First of all, prepare your dress and then prepare the materials forthe makeup. To put on your makeup means to stabilise yourself in a particular stage. Are you also preparing this?Do you have a meeting for this? Whilst having many meetings do not forget this point. Whilst you are decorating thestage, time is up and then you are just left standing there. It doesn't happen like this, does it? At many centres, theymake all the preparations for the function and then they are left standing there. They themselves are not ready. So,do not do the same here.
When someone comes to take a donation, you start to think what to distribute. This is why the stock is accumulatedin advance. If you began to accumulate stock at that time, many would be deprived. Just as you accumulate a stockof other things, in the same way, you must also accumulate this stock in advance. You have to supply whatever eachone wants, whether they want happiness and peace or the status of a subject or of a wealthy person, or whethersomeone just wants to salute you; there are also some people who simply want to serve at the feet of the worldemperors. Therefore, you should also fill the stock of such bhagats who simply wish to bow down to you. Whatevereach one wants and whatever they desire, you should be able to fulfil their imperishable desires; not of this world ofdust, but of the golden world. When such a stock is accumulated, you will quickly be able to give to those souls fromyour stock. Have you made these preparations? Have you made this account, or do you simply see how many bodiesand wealth each zone gives, or how many banners and sheets each zone gives. However, you also have to put upbanners on your forehead.
First of all, you have to set up a living exhibition of your own image, in which your eyes appear like lotus flowers anda spiritual smile is visible on your face, and the image of the soul is visible through the forehead. So, have youdecorated your form in this way? Are you preparing this exhibition also, or are you simply preparing the exhibitionof the stall? You will receive a prize for this also, will you not? You will give one another a prize for the decorationof the stall and BapDada will give you a prize for the decoration of the living exhibition. Therefore, you will receivea double prize. Whoever does service through their living exhibition or the banner on their forehead will receive aprize. Now, we shall see the result. The result has to be announced. There will be three prizes: first, second andthird. BapDada will also give three prizes. Each one of you is thinking that you will claim the first prize and that youwill come in the plus. If all of you come in the first number, then also, you can receive a prize; this is not a big thing.When so many become the victorious jewels, what is the big deal in giving a prize to the victorious jewels? All ofyou should become the first number and all of you will receive a prize. You will receive a prize in the physical form.If you are given a prize in the subtle form, that is not a big thing.
Because of being the residents of the corporeal world, you will also be given this in the physical form. You are not going to be told now what you are going to receive. That will be revealed at that time. You will receive the prize according to your speciality. Gold is not a big thing either. After a little time, all this gold will come at your feet. Allthese gifts from BapDada are not a big thing for those who are going to become the masters of the world. There willbe as many gifts as there are the number of you. The greater the success of the great service you do, the greater theprize you will receive. But these people (Didi and Dadi) will give you a prize for the decoration of the stall andBapDada will give the other gifts. This is not just temptation, but you will be given it practically. Achcha.
To such constantly victorious jewels who are constantly the image of success; to those who face every externalsituation with their original stage; to those who constantly remain humble and bring about the renewal of the world; tothose who follow the directions of the one Father at every step and who glorify the name of the one Father; to suchelevated souls, love, remembrances and namaste from BapDada.
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